Bettina is a single mother of four children and has been a Las Vegas resident since 1980. Bettina’s journey towards homeownership wasn’t an easy one. She was in an abusive relationship for many years and eventually became homeless. She struggled to find permanent employment and held various jobs through temp agencies, so she could provide for her children. One day, she worked up the courage to leave her abusive partner and sought refuge through a local domestic violence shelter. Through this resource, Bettina was able to secure an apartment through subsidized housing.
As Bettina gained more stability for herself and her children, she was able to secure permanent employment with a large company. This afforded her the opportunity to begin the steps to making her dream of homeownership a reality. She was referred to Habitat through a friend and submitted an application. She was excited to find out she was one of the applicants chosen for a home.
Besides becoming a homeowner, Bettina’s goal is to one day go back to school to become a Medical Assistant. Despite her hardships, Bettina always tried to put her family first. She is thankful for her Habitat home and having a safe place to pass onto her children one day. She never wants them to have to worry about not having a stable place to call home.